Wednesday 17 June 2015

Beneath The Skin - Of Monsters And Men

The five-piece band from Iceland have such a brilliant sound, this second album really builds on their debut without straying from their signature sound. The way their voices blend together is beautiful and they really use this to advantage.
'Crystal' was the first single from the album and is the first track. It's wonderful and a brilliant way to start the album, it stays with you from the first time you hear it. This song, like the majority of their songs, has a strong beat that you can't help but tap along to. It also showcases their beautiful voices combined with the sound you'd automatically connect to 'Of Monsters and Men'.

I love the stripped acoustic songs, like 'Organs'. They are always so emotional, the chilled and raw sound really aids this emotional sound and speaks to the listener as well as just going to emphasise her voice in a very touching way. The song itself is performed with such feeling that it makes it all the more believable to the listener, something that some songs are lacking these days.
'Empire' is another one of those songs that just stays with you. Songs like this one seem to suggest a more soft rock/pop route that really suits their voices, this album shows an exploration of different sounds. This one is a keeper, I love it. The whole song has a rhythm that is incredibly catchy, at times there's a grit to their voices that adds a new layer to their music that works very well.
Songs like 'Human' have you singing and humming along almost instantly. It's from this song that the album title 'Beneath The Skin' came from, which would suggest that this song has a lot of meaning for them. I like the message behind it, the ambiguity of it allows the listener to come away from it with their own interpretation. I think it sticks to this natural idea that seems present in all their songs, and suggests that sometimes we are more animal than human or perhaps this is how we treat others. Regardless of how you interpret it, it's still a brilliant song in its own right.
They seemed to have experimented with new sounds on this album, like the darker sound of 'Thousand Eyes'. It's not a song you can dance to really, but it really captivates you. Especially the musical interlude about half way through, it has a real cinematic feel that adds a new layer to the song. This song is possibly my favourite, just because it's so different from what I've come to expect from this band. It really surprised me and I love that about all their music; it grabs the listener and pulls you in and throws little surprises at you regularly.
What I love about the album is the sense of continuity, each song is different in it's own right, but there's something that brings them all together really nicely. Alternative and indie music is increasing in popularity, bringing bands like 'Of Monsters and Men' into the limelight, and they definitely deserve it. This album doesn't disappoint and I believe will bring in new fans with it's new and varied sound. I strongly recommend this album, especially for those people who prefer a more alternative sound.

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